Troubleshooting Login
I am unable to login to the CLICK portal?
- Clear your browsers cache history
- Contact your system administrator and make sure your account is active

I don't see the ability to use my self-service options?
- Contact your CLICK System Administrator and ensure you are assigned to the correct Active Directory Security Group
CLICK portal shows a conflict when creating a new workspace.
- Ensure you do not have multiple packages assigned to the same workspace
I created a WorkSpace in the AWS console, how do i get CLICK to manage it?
Manage a workspace
WorkSpaces that were created outside of the CLICK console or prior to the deployment of CLICK into an AWS account will not be recognized by CLICK as a managed Workspace. To manage a WorkSpace from the CLICK console that was created outside of the CLICK console, perform the following steps:
- Select the WorkSpaces menu item.
- Select the WorkSpace to manage.
Note: The Managed column in the WorkSpaces data table should show No.

- Click the managed selector button to change the unmanaged WorkSpace to Managed.

How do I perform actions on the WorkSpace
Reboot, Rebuild, Start, Stop or Terminate
To perform an action on a Workspace, follow the steps below.
- Select the WorkSpaces menu item then select one or more checkboxes to select Workspace(s) on which to perform an action.
- Select the Actions dropdown list.
- Select the action to perform on the workspace.

Note: If a workspace is terminated from the Workspaces data table as represented above in the image, CLICK will attempt to recreate the WorkSpace for the user if the Group with which the user is associated remains Managed by CLICK. To terminate a WorkSpace permanently, the user must be removed from the Group in Active Directory, or the entire Group must be un-managed from within CLICK.
Note: A special consideration is given to the destructive nature of terminating WorkSpaces from within CLICK. Even when automation is enabled (automatically applying new or modification changes), CLICK will always require manual administrator intervention to terminate a WorkSpace.
How do I remove Users?
Off Boarding Users
When users no longer require a workspace, CLICK administrators may off board a user. The process of removing a user and subsequently terminating their workspace requires access to Active Directory as follows:
- Login to Active Directory Users and Computers
- Remove a user from a group that is managed by CLICK
- Login to the CLICK console, select the Users menu
- Click the SYNC button
- Select the Pending Changes menu in the CLICK console
Note: The user’s WorkSpace will be put into a Stop state then a Terminate state
Note: As mentioned in an earlier section of this document, terminating a WorkSpace is a destructive action that will require Administrator intervention. Select the user in the Pending Changes data table, then click Apply Selected Changes to terminate the WorkSpace.
How do I remove a Group?
Off Boarding a Group Users
When a group of users, such as contractors, no longer require a workspace, CLICK administrators may off board a group of users. The process of removing a group and subsequently terminating their workspace is a straight forward action as follows:
- Login to the CLICK console, select the Groups menu
- Select the managed Group associated with the group of users requiring termination
- Click the blue Managed toggle button and it should turn gray
- Select the Pending Changes menu in the CLICK console
Note: The user’s WorkSpace will be put into a Stop state then a Terminate state
Note: As mentioned in an earlier section of this document, terminating a WorkSpace is a destructive action that will require Administrator intervention. Select the user in the Pending Changes data table, then click Apply Selected Changes to terminate the WorkSpace.
How do I use MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) with CLICK?
CLICK integrates with the Okta, ADFS and Auto0. For instructions on this setup, please refer to the Enterprise Deployment Quick Start Guide under the CLICK Enterprise section of this document.
The CLICK portal doesn't reflect current data from AD?
Using the CLICK dashboard, go to User/Groups and select the SYNC option to the top right of the portal
Updated about 5 years ago