Ninja RMM Agent Deployment

Customer Ninja Agent Deployment

  1. Request .msi or .exe installer from SynchroNet Support Services
  2. SynchroNet Support Services will provide a GPO based login script
  3. Modify the highlighted portion of the pre-defined script by replacing the example organization .msi
    with the name of your company's .msi file

# Applications

            # Standard

                            $standardapplications = @(



                            foreach ($standardapplication in $standardapplications) {

                                            if ($standardapplication -match "install:") {

                                                            $standardinstallapplication = $standardapplication.split(':')[1]


                                                            if ($standardinstallapplication -match "ninja") {

                                                                            if (-not (test-path "C:\Program Files (x86)\NinjaRMMInstaller-*")) {

                                                                                            start-process "\\**list path where installer is stored**" "/**qn**" -wait







Important Note:

When placing the installer path (see red bold section) in the above login script; locate the required .msi and right click on the file; select the 'Copy as Path' option and paste that path into the login script.


Important Note:

If you are using a .exe file type for the installer instead of the .msi, simply change the boldened "/qn" section to: /Q

  1. Now that the login script has been setup, add this script to your environment's User login GPO or
    access. Ensure that the script runs when the User initially logins.
  2. This script will verify if an agent is installed and if not found, it will install the agent silently and
    begin reporting into the SynchroNet Master RMM Database.
  3. To complete, verify with SynchroNet Support Services that the agents are reporting to the RMM.