Step 1: Evaluate Your Infrastructure
Before you begin the process of deploying CLICK, you should have a functioning WorkSpaces deployment.
CLICK relies on a number of resources on the AWS side to do its job.
Directories are how the Amazon WorkSpaces service interacts with your Active Directory environment. Every WorkSpace must be associated with a Directory, so CLICK can't create WorkSpaces unless at least one Directory exists.
The Amazon WorkSpaces service can integrate with Microsoft Active Directory Domains deployed in a variety of ways:
- AWS Directory Service
- Simple Active Directory
- Managed Active Directory
- Self-hosted Active Directory
- Azure AD (with Azure AD Domain Services)
A WorkSpaces Bundle specifies the image and properties (e.g. hardware instance type and drive size) for a WorkSpace. Every WorkSpace must be associated with a Bundle, so CLICK can't create WorkSpaces unless at least one Bundle exists.
If you've already got some WorkSpaces deployed, CLICK will enable you to manage them and allow you to expose self service actions to your users via the CLICK Dashboard.
KMS Keys
If you want to create WorkSpaces with encrypted volumes, you will need to create one or more KMS Keys to use for encryption. CLICK can only create WorkSpaces with encrypted volumes by using existing KMS Keys.
SAML Identity Provider (IdP)
SynchroNet CLICK™ supports any SAML 2.0 compliant identity provider. Configuration steps will vary depending on your provider, but we have detailed instructions for integrating with these common providers.
You can also choose not to use SAML authentication, if this is the case for you, skip to Step 4.
Active Directory
CLICK's automation works by receiving information about your Active Directory environment through a component called the CLICK AD Gateway.
If you choose to use CLICK without an AD Gateway you can skip to Step 4 of Getting Started, otherwise continue to Step 2 & 3 to configure your prerequisites.
Updated over 3 years ago
If you're going to integrate a SAML IdP, go to Step 2. If you're skipping SAML and AD, go to Step 4.