Step 2: SAML IdP Prerequisites

In this step, you'll gather and configure prerequisite items for deploying CLICK with SAML Identity (IdP) integration. We recommend you download our checklist document and use it to record each of the numbered configuration items to ensure all the data is handy at deployment time.

SAML Identity Provider (IdP) Configuration

The CLICK Dashboard authenticates users via SAML Federation. You will need to configure your IdP to integrate properly with CLICK.

We have step-by-step guides for some of the most common SAML providers, but CLICK will work with any SAML 2.0 compliant provider.

Follow the guide for your specific SAML provider below:

2.1 Metadata Document URL

CLICK needs to reference an XML metadata document provided by your IdP in order to complete the integration. Identify this URL either by following one of the guides above or contacting your SAML administrator and capture it in Item 2.1 of the checklist document.

2.2 Identifiers

CLICK uses the User Principal Name (UPN) suffix to determine which CLICK Instance a user is logging into. Most often this value will be the portion of your users' e-mail addresses after the @ symbol. Record this value in Item 2.2 of the checklist document.

Item No.NameSample Value
2.1Metadata Document URL

As long as you've got all of these values, you will have a successful SAML IdP authentication while using CLICK!

What’s Next

If you're going to integrate with Active Directory, go to Step 3. Otherwise, go to Step 4.